The Company established a Code of Business Conduct which is enforced for directors, executives and employees of the Company and all affiliated companies at all levels, whether such persons have signed acknowledgement or not. This Code of Conduct is an additional part of the Company's Articles of Association, regulations and notifications of the Company. If any messages in the Code of Conduct contradict the Articles of Association, or the regulations and notifications of the Company, the Code of Conduct shall be adhered to instead. The Company will notify the Code of Conduct to all employees during the new employee orientation for new directors, executives and employees. The Code of Conduct is also disseminated in the intranet system and the website of the Company to be easily accessible.
The Board of Directors must consider and review the Code of Conduct annually to determine whether there is anything that requires improvement or correction in accordance with the good corporate governance policy. The essence of the Company's Code of Conduct is as follows:
- Must support the Company's policy and strictly comply with the Articles of Association, orders, agreements, notifications or circular notices of the Company which was announced to all employees.
- Must perform duties with honesty and fairness, as well as quickly reporting events that may cause damage to the Company’s reputation and assets.
- Must perform duties with commitment and determination, uphold the rules, regulations and corporate governance of the Company. Must be a good role model for employees so that the Company is progressive and is in accordance with common decency.
- Must provide business documents, accounts, finances, and various reports and submit them to government agencies and other persons. They must be done carefully, in good faith, and must be recorded in accordance with the accounting method of the Company in compliance with the specified standards.
- Do not interrupt or take any actions that obstruct the proper operations of the Company’s authorized personnel or issue any orders that cause employees to act in a wrong way or unethically.
- Do not break any civil or criminal laws that cause damage to oneself or others, whether intentionally or not.
- For more information regarding the good corporate governance policy and the Code of Business Conduct, please visit the website.